I am Co-Founder and Head of Product/Design at Viralspace.ai

At Viralspace, we’re using AI to predict the performance of visual content in marketing. I care about making sure this is done in an unbiased, explainable way. We were recently acquired by Smartly.io and will remain an independent business line within them.

I graduated from the Product Design program at Stanford University in June 2019. In the past, I’ve worked on designing ways to tie cryptocurrency to social impact at IDEO CoLab, building a startup from the ground up at ZX Ventures, bolstering transportation and housing initiatives with data at BCG, researching the future of luxury at Snap, and building a design and marketing team from scratch at BASES. Through Viralspace, I’ve gotten to be a fellow at Lightspeed Venture Partners. I’m also lifelong ballet dancer and based in SF. Please reach out — I’d love to meet and learn from new people!

Feel free to read more about my story in long form at the Viralspace blog.